Golden Retrievers Health Guarantee


Health Guarantee

All Golden Retriever puppies purchased from us are accompanied by a comprehensive health guarantee. Within 10 days of acquiring your new companion, it's imperative to schedule a visit with a licensed veterinarian for a thorough examination. If, within this initial 10-day period, the veterinarian identifies any clinical illness or determines that your puppy has succumbed to an injury or illness likely contracted on or before the date of sale, please promptly reach out to us. We stand by our commitment that all our puppies are delivered in robust health, free from signs of infection, and devoid of any contagious or communicable diseases at the time of adoption. Our dedication to you extends far beyond the moment you take your puppy home. As passionate breeders, experienced puppy counselors, and ardent puppy enthusiasts, we maintain an ongoing relationship with our extended puppy families.
While we aspire for every puppy to enjoy a lifetime of health and vitality, certain factors remain beyond our control. A puppy's well-being hinges on various elements such as genetics, exercise, nutrition, and overall care. Though we cannot ensure absolute immunity from health issues, we pledge to exert every effort to ensure your new family member enters your home in optimal health.

While we acknowledge that no puppy can ever be replaced, we understand that companionship can alleviate the sorrow of loss. In the improbable event of your puppy’s demise within one year from its birth due to genetic factors or the discovery of congenital or hereditary disorders within the first year, adversely impacting its health, we will provide a replacement puppy of equivalent value at no additional cost. Verification of the cause of death by a licensed veterinarian is required.

To facilitate a seamless transition and to safeguard your puppy’s well-being, we request your cooperation with the following measures: Please furnish us with a copy of the veterinary examination (medical record) within 4 business days of receiving your puppy. This examination must be conducted by a licensed veterinarian. Avoid vaccinating your puppy within the initial ten days after receiving it, as it will already be up-to-date with age-appropriate vaccinations. While we administer deworming and vaccinations until the departure date, we advise you to continue these practices and conduct regular check-ups until at least 16 weeks of age or as recommended by your veterinarian.

There are exceptions to our guarantee, including disposition, temperament, conformation, size, weight, color, markings, or breeding ability of your puppy. Replacement will not be provided for breeds prone to hip dysplasia if they become overweight. Failure to provide timely inoculations or regular veterinary care will void this guarantee. Additionally, costs associated with spaying or neutering, including undescended testes, are not covered.

Prior to your puppy’s homecoming, each undergoes an extensive health check by our veterinarian, who completes our Veterinary Health Report. This report examines various aspects of your puppy’s health, including cardiovascular, skin, coat, eyes, mouth, teeth, gums, musculoskeletal, respiratory, ears, urogenital, and gastrointestinal systems. It’s imperative that this report is filled out close to your puppy’s arrival date to ensure a recent evaluation of its health. The report is internally reviewed for any concerns noted by our veterinarian. Furthermore, we require that you have your puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian within four days of receiving it to further ensure its well-being.



Mon - Fri : 8AM - 5PM

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