The Shipping Service has been created to ensure that every detail is covered while transporting your Puppy.

Whenever you have picked your newest family member you need to be sure that they show up securely into you and your family’s caring arms.

The objective is to give you the best experience while taking on your pet.

We realize patience is on the low when you are standing by to meet the newest individual of your family so we endeavor to make your delivery experience fast and simple.

puppy crate



Pet travel differs significantly from human travel.

Pet travel may not be available at all airports. Please provide at least two nearby international airports for the quickest turnaround.

Any costs incurred for short-term kenneling due to flight delays will be the responsibility of the recipient.

Payment for the pet and payment for delivery are separate transactions.

It may take 7-10 days from the time payment is received and cleared to receive your puppy.

From May to September, temperatures can be high. Please check transportation availability to your area.

We will work with you to find the earliest date that meets these criteria and appreciate your understanding.

From December to March, cold temperatures and adverse weather conditions may cause delays in pet shipments.

Please remember that our primary concern is the safe arrival of your pet.

What does the delivery expense cover?

A pet transportation specialist will handle your pet from the departing airport until arrival at the destination airport.

Your puppy will be provided with a new pet carrier containing absorbent material for comfort, as well as a small food and water dish.

The pet carriers used are approved by airlines.



Mon - Fri : 8AM - 5PM

Product Enquiry

Kindly Fill out the form and click on the Enquiry button to submit a request.