The Bully Stick: one of the best-kept secrets.

A bully stick serves as a healthy treat that proves invaluable in keeping Ellie and Emma entertained. Trust me, having a puppy, this is a significant victory!

I’ve relied on bully sticks numerous times to keep Emma occupied, including:

✅ During Zoom calls
✅ Relaxing at a winery
✅ Meal prepping and grilling outside
✅ When visitors are over
✅ Watching a movie and playing board games
✅ Reading and unwinding in peace
✅ Assisting with crate training

In fact, I gave Emma a bully stick within hours of coming home. 

Bully sticks offer not only entertainment for your dog but also a range of additional benefits:

🔸 Improves oral hygiene and health
🔸 Promotes strong jaw muscles
🔸 Provides mental stimulation
🔸 Stimulates the release of endorphins, promoting a sense of well-being
🔸 Breaks down easily in the stomach
🔸 Serves as a great alternative to rawhide or manufactured chewsEmmaBWBWFH.jpg

However, with all this good comes serious danger.

The last inch of a bully stick can pose a risk of choking or intestinal blockage in your dog.

Fortunately, I discovered a solution to keep Ellie and Emma safe.
Introducing the Bow Wow Buddy, a safety device designed to securely hold the bully stick in place, preventing dogs from swallowing and choking on the remaining portion.



I receive many direct messages about Ellie and Emma’s Bow Wow Buddies and bully sticks. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. Additional questions can be posted in the comments section of this blog post.

Can I use ANY bully stick?

Not all bully sticks are equal in quality. I highly recommend Bow Wow Lab’s Safe Fit Bully Sticks for the following reasons:

  • Single-ingredient treat
  • Sourced from grass-fed cattle free of hormones
  • Free of all chemicals
  • Low in fat and high in protein, promoting healthier chewing habits
  • Aids in plaque and tartar removal for better dental health
  • Satisfies your dog’s instinctual desire for protein!

How do I make sure the bully stick is secure?

  1. Using the knob on the side of the Bow Wow Buddy, unscrew the bolt enough for the Safe Fit Bully Stick™ to fit in the center hole.

  2. Hold the Bow Wow Buddy so that the hole is in the center of your palm, and insert the Safe Fit Bully Stick into the hole. The bottom of the Safe Fit Bully Stick should rest on your hand and be even with the bottom edge of the Bow Wow Buddy.

  3. To tighten it in place, twist the knob in a clockwise position until the pointed end of the bolt pushes into the Safe Fit Bully Stick.

  4. Once the knob is all the way tight, give the Safe Fit Bully Stick a tug to make sure it is snug.